PACTS: Politicians Accountable for Climate to Students
PACTS is a new schools initiative that empowers students to influence politicians on climate action.
PACTS aims to transform how students understand and engage in the political cycle. It is unique in that it does not just involve letter writing to MPs, but follow-up and questioning of commitments through time.
What Makes PACTS Unique?
PACTS represents a true ‘pact’—an agreement between students and their MP to act on climate issues. This ongoing relationship, built through continuous dialogue, ensures accountability on both sides. It empowers students by helping them understand their role and impact within our democratic system.
Teacher Pack
The PACTS Teacher Pack is designed to guide you through the process of empowering your students to influence politicians on climate action. This comprehensive resource provides templates and step-by-step instructions to help you facilitate student engagement with their local MPs on important issues. Through this structured process, students will develop and apply critical skills such as communication, negotiation, and empathy.
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Environment and Sustainability, Equality, Health and Well-being, Politics and Government, Social Justice
Age Ranges
Early Years: ages 3-5, KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+, Whole school
Citizenship, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, Politics, Climate Campaign