Native Knowledge 360°
Native Knowledge 360° provides educators and students with new perspectives on Native American history and cultures. Most people have only been exposed to part of the story, as told from a single perspective through the lenses of popular media and textbooks. NK360° provides educational materials, virtual student programs, and teacher training that incorporate Native narratives, more comprehensive histories, and accurate information to enlighten and inform teaching and learning about Native America. NK360° challenges common assumptions about Native peoples and offers a view that includes not only the past but also the vibrancy of Native peoples and cultures today.
With a huge amount of educational material, this site offers lesson plans for every key stage and connections to most of the curriculum from English, Science and Maths to History and Geography.
Arts, Culture and Religion, Compassionate Values, Globalisation and Interdependence, Social Justice
Age Ranges
Whole school
Art and design, Citizenship, Economics, English: literature / story, Geography, History, Maths / numeracy, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)