Cover image: Materials 4 A Sustainable Future


Materials 4 A Sustainable Future

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This multimedia website with downloadable education pack explores the world of advanced materials. It aims to engage with secondary students (ages 14 to 17) and help them understand more about advanced materials and their importance for shaping a sustainable future in areas such as health, environment, technology, innovation, energy and much more.

The resource is intended to inspire young people to think more deeply about materials science and to consider further study or a career in the field of science and technology. The resource features a game (Materials Hunter), a film called The Secret Life of Materials, and an education pack which uses all elements of the website to reveal the value of advanced materials in our everyday lives and how they can help create a more sustainable future.

Resource contents


Environment and Sustainability, Health and Well-being, Production and Consumption

Age Ranges

KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+


Design and technology, Science

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