Global Learning Poster Packs
Order your Global Learning Poster Packs
For the second year running, we are producing a limited edition pack of 12 A4 posters, to accompany our Global Learning Wall Planner.
With beautiful images paired with 12 thought-provoking questions, these posters work well on their own, or teamed with the wall planner to inspire and empower your students.
Each pack contains 12 A4 posters.
To keep costs as low as possible, we will be dispatching posters in two batches, one in September and another in October. Thank you for your patience - they're worth the wait!
We Are Antarctica
This year's posters and wall planner form part of Reboot the Future's new campaign We Are Antarctica - launching September 2022, in partnership with Earthrise.
The themes and questions help learners to build deeper connections with the planet, with others, and with themselves, exploring how our actions as individuals and as a global community directly affect the world around us, resonating across the whole globe - from Antarctica to our own communities.
To find out more about the campaign, you can register for updates at www.rebootthefuture.org/campaigns
Arts, Culture and Religion, Compassionate Values, Environment and Sustainability, Equality, Globalisation and Interdependence, Health and Well-being, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Production and Consumption, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+, Whole school
Art and design, Business studies / management, Citizenship, Computing / ICT, Design and technology, Drama, Economics, English / literacy, English: ESOL / EAL, English: literature / story, Food and Nutrition, Geography, Geography: maps / atlases, History, Languages, Maths / numeracy, Media studies, Music, PE / dance, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, Politics, PSHE / PSE / PSED, RE / RS, Science, Welsh Baccalaureate, Assembly, Awards, Climate Campaign, Clubs and extra-curricular, Remote learning, School linking, Special / SEN, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC), Tutor/Form Groups