Cover image: Rebooting International Cooperation


Rebooting International Cooperation

Contains 3 items

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Reboot the Future

Alongside our 2021/22 Global Learning Wall Planner - 10 Ways to Reboot the Future - we’re releasing a series of monthly classroom resources. 

Each of our class activity resources explores a different focus for creating a more sustainable and compassionate future, based on the 10 Big Shifts in Jonathon Porritt’s Rise Up to Reboot the Future.

The activities are adaptable for all age ranges and can be used as standalone activities for tutor group sessions or can slot into a lesson.

Rebooting International Cooperation

This month’s class activity explores December's theme of International Cooperation. Learners explore the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons through a game where resources are replenished as they are used up. Participants have to find a way to cooperate so that the resources don't run out.

New this year: monthly challenges

Every month we will be setting a series of challenges – complete one or more of the challenges as a whole class, or choose 2 or 3 pupils to complete one each month over the course of the year.

To win a bundle of books for your class – all linked to this month’s theme - simply post a photo of your class’s completed challenge on social media before the end of September 2021, and tag @globaldimension for the chance to win.

Downloadable poster

Every month you can download and print a copy of a poster featuring the month's discussion question and a beautiful illustration by artist Eliz Underhill.

Resource contents

  • PDF

    International Cooperation activity sheet

  • Poster

    International Cooperation poster

  • Teacher’s Pack

    Classroom conversation guide


Compassionate Values, Globalisation and Interdependence, Social Justice

Age Ranges

KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+


Citizenship, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Climate Campaign, Clubs and extra-curricular, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)

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