Coronavirus: Covid-19 outbreak
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This edition of Newsthink encourages learners to build resilience in emergencies and consider ways that members of the public can look after each other and to understand the facts about the coronavirus pandemic. Learners will develop skills to engage critically with information they receive. It also explores the role of practical acts of kindness and emotional support during a disease outbreak.
Learning objectives
Learners will:
• understand what both the coronavirus and a pandemic are
• gain knowledge and understanding of expert advice on health and safety
• explore the phenomenon of 'misinformation': understand why fact-checking is so important and encourage critical-thinking in difficult situations
• explore the meaning of kindness, and how they can start developing this in their own lives.
Health and Well-being, Media, Internet and Technology
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+
Citizenship, Economics, Geography, Politics