2022-23 Global Learning Wall Planner
Sales of the 2022-23 wall planner are now closed. To download our digital wall planner, click here.
Engage your students in global days and celebrations throughout the school year with key dates accompanied by fun facts and discussion questions that inspire global citizenship, critical thinking and conversation.
This double-sided A1 wall planner is suitable for all ages - with discussion questions and facts that are easily adapted for all learners.
Featuring stunning photographs of Antarctica, this year's wall planners are printed on FSC® certified 100% recycled and carbon balanced paper.
We Are Antarctica
This year's wall planner forms part of Reboot the Future's new campaign We Are Antarctica - launching September 2022, in partnership with Earthrise.
The themes and questions help learners to build deeper connections with the planet, with others, and with themselves, exploring how our actions as individuals and as a global community directly affect the world around us, resonating across the whole globe - from Antarctica to our own communities.
To find out more about the campaign, you can register for updates at www.rebootthefuture.org/campaigns
Arts, Culture and Religion, Child Rights, Compassionate Values, Environment and Sustainability, Equality, Globalisation and Interdependence, Health and Well-being, Industry and Economy, Media, Internet and Technology, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Politics and Government, Production and Consumption, Social Justice
Age Ranges
Early Years: ages 3-5, KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+, Whole school, EAL, SEND
Art and design, Business studies / management, Citizenship, Computing / ICT, Design and technology, Drama, Economics, English / literacy, English: ESOL / EAL, English: literature / story, Food and Nutrition, Geography, Geography: maps / atlases, History, Languages, Maths / numeracy, Media studies, Music, PE / dance, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, Politics, PSHE / PSE / PSED, RE / RS, Science, Welsh Baccalaureate, Assembly, Awards, Climate Campaign, Clubs and extra-curricular, Remote learning, School linking, Special / SEN, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC), Tutor/Form Groups