First Mass Petition: Votes for Women
Created by
Parliament Education Service
An online resource with supporting worksheets that brings the women's suffrage campaign to life for students aged 11-14. The resource explores the 1866 petition which called for women's right to vote and was signed by women across the United Kingdom. Students follow the journey of the suffrage campaign through video, audio and quizzes, while source based activities help pupils develop source analysis skills. The supporting regional worksheets provide a local history focus for students to learn more about suffrage campaigning and key women in their area. This resource can be used in History, English, Citizenship and other related subject lessons where students are exploring women's suffrage, voting rights and democracy. The resource is designed for students to use independently using a tablet or computer. It is split into distinct chapters so that students follow the story from start to finish. Prior to the lesson, teachers can download supporting worksheets which are designed to be completed separately once students have worked through the online resource. Students can:
- Watch a video introducing the 1866 petition, how it started, how it was debated in Parliament and how it sparked a nationwide movement.
- Take a quiz on life in 1866 and the rights women had.
- Explore the petition in detail, test out their source analysis skills and discover how many people signed in their area.
- Complete a worksheet for their region that includes source based questions as well as a creative activity.
Compassionate Values, Equality, Politics and Government
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16
Citizenship, English / literacy, History