The life of Nelson Mandela
A lesson plan inspired by the work of South African comic book company Umlando Wezithombe.
Connections to the curriculum:
KS1 History National Curriculum: Primary History - Pupils should be taught about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
KS1 English National Curriculum: English Key Stage 1 and 2 English. Years 1 to 6 Spoken language - Pupils should be taught to articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions; use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating and hypothesising debates.
Six key episodes from the life of Nelson Mandela as depicted by the South African comic book artists of Umlando Wezithombe, with group discussion suggestions relating to each clip and additional facts and quotes.
Compassionate Values, Equality, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Politics and Government, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11
English / literacy, English: literature / story, History, Remote learning