Tax, Fairness and 'Philosophy for Children'
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To get your Key Stage 2 & 3 pupils (ages 7 to 14) thinking about fairness, equality and community ActionAid has teamed up with SAPERE, the creators of 'Philosophy for Children' (P4C) resources, to create these activities.
Tax may seem an unlikely topic for children to discuss, but it does provide a rich seam of concepts and questions that children can explore through philosophical enquiry. Tax avoidance and tax injustice is an ethical and political issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Whilst tax is not part of children’s direct daily experience, it does affect them and children like them around the world.
The resource provides stories of real children and teachers affected by tax avoidance, with examples from Zambia and Malawi. There are also a range of fun activities to provoke discussion and enquiry, and worksheets explaining tax in language children can understand.
The resource is backed up with comprehensive and thoughtful teacher notes which support teachers who are both beginners to, or well versed in P4C.
Child Rights, Compassionate Values, Equality
Age Ranges
KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14
Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking