Muktangan UK Trust primary school packs
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Muktangan is a charity that provides education to underprivileged children in Mumbai, India. They have developed a range of primary lesson resources to raise awareness of Muktangan through learning. The aim is to enable children in the UK to learn more about life and culture in India.
The resources consist of three packs, for years 1 & 2, years 3 & 4, and years 5 & 6. All of the activities are linked in to the National Curriculum, to support teachers' lesson planning - subjects covered include Maths, Science, Geography and Art. The activities in each pack are brought to life by a Mumbai family, who act as a guide or a focus for each activity.
The resources are free to download, and in exchange, Muktangan ask that schools using the packs do a fundraising activity to support the charity. A fundraising pack with initial ideas is provided via the website.
Child Rights
Age Ranges
KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11
Art and design, Geography, Maths / numeracy, Science