June is about Nature Connection
Everything in an ecosystem is connected, which means all of our actions impact the natural world. Human actions are currently damaging over 60% of Earth’s ecosystems. We can choose to protect and repair ecosystems instead. By recognising and respecting our connection to the natural world we can protect and enjoy the ecosystems we rely on for food, warmth, shelter, happiness and more.
Classroom question of the month:
Imagine that it was everyone’s job to care for the area where you live. How could you help?
Let’s practise!
Play The Ecosystem Game with students. Also, create a Green Man out of natural materials.
Class Activity 1: 20 min
Active Challenge: The Ecosystem game
For this activity you will need a large, open space such as a playground or hall.
Task: Group movement activity
- Step 1: Ask the class to stand in a large circle, facing one another. Explain that the group represents an ecosystem, and in a moment, you will instruct the class to start moving around the space without talking.
- Step 2: Before they start moving, ask everyone to secretly choose two other people at random from around the circle. Whilst they are moving, the aim of the game is to always keep an equal distance between themselves and each of the two people – as if they’re trying to maintain an invisible equilateral triangle between their three points.
- Step 3: Let the movement take place for 3-5 minutes.
- Step 4: Ask the class: “What did you notice, and what did you feel?”
- Step 5: Now, explain that the class is going to represent a damaged ecosystem. You will repeat the game again, with everyone choosing two new people to be connected to.
- Step 6: This time – you (the teacher) will move through them and tap someone on the shoulder. Explain that if a student is tapped on the shoulder, they should count silently to five and then sink to the floor. Anyone who is connected to a person who sinks to the floor, should also count to five before sinking to the floor themselves. This will trigger others to begin sinking to the floor. (Note: If after you tap someone no one else sinks down, tap another person).
- Step 7: Ask the class: “What did you notice, and what did you feel?”
Class Activity 2: 1h and 30 min
Creative Challenge: Create a Green Man
The Green Man is a legendary figure who represents the new life of Spring. He is often represented as a face surrounded by leaves.
- Step 1: To create your own Green Man, go for a walk outdoors and collect a selection of natural material such as leaves, twigs, feathers, shells, moss, etc.
- Step 2: Arrange your pieces into a face. You may wish to stick them to a piece of card, or you can even use clay to stick the pieces to a tree.
Age Ranges
Early Years: ages 3-5, KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+, Whole school