#Get on With It
In this KS4 pack, young people will learn about some of humanity’s biggest challenges, including global warming. Then they'll be asked to share their ideas for ways to get the attention of world leaders, policymakers, older generations and parents to finally GET ON WITH IT and start saving our planet!
Through examples of award-winning creative campaigns and valuable tips and guidance, they will be able to develop their thinking to come up with original ideas that will be shared by Daydream Believers at the future UN Climate Change Conferences.
It is recommended that the pack is split into 3 parts.
1 – It’s time for action! & Brief it!
2 – Ideate it!
3 – Craft it! & Present it!
Here, we provide a sample lesson from the pack. If you would like the whole pack, follow the link below to Daydream Believer's website.
Arts, Culture and Religion, Environment and Sustainability, Equality, Globalisation and Interdependence, Media, Internet and Technology, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS4: ages 14-16
Art and design, Citizenship, Design and technology, Economics, Geography, Politics, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Climate Campaign, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)