Generation Wild
Set up by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), Generation Wild is a nature connection programme for UK schools in economically disadvantaged areas.
The programme involves a free trip to one of WWT’s wetlands centres where children follow the magical story of Ava the bird girl, a character who is brought to life during the visit.
After, students complete fully resourced nature connection activities back at school in order to receive certificates and member badges as they become ‘Guardians of the Wild’.
The project includes FREE school visits (including FREE transport) as well as FREE return visits, enabling children to share the magic with their families. Included are curriculum resource packs so you can tie the project in with your class topics.
Eligibility is determined by the percentage of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). This is for years 1 to 4.
Follow the link below to check to see if your school is eligible.
Environment and Sustainability
Age Ranges
KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11
Citizenship, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Science, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)