Ethical and Sustainable Consumption
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This free teaching resource for Key Stages 2 & 3 (ages 7 to 14) accompanies Think Global’s 2017-18 Global Wallplanner. It uses some of the wallplanner photos of seasonal fruit and vegetables to explore the theme of Ethical and Sustainable Consumption.
Food is a very important global issue, so closely linked with many areas of global learning: food production and transportation have a major impact on climate change; food waste and disposal have further environmental impacts; and access to food is a major development issue. As the population of the world continues to increase, the challenge of how to feed the population in an unpredictable climate becomes ever more critical.
These materials will stimulate discussion about this issue with specific examples and further references. Whether it’s in an assembly, tutor time, a literacy lesson, a PSHCE lesson, or as part of cross-curricular day, these photos and activities provide a starting point for discussing the importance of food and the responsibility of consumers to make ethical and sustainable choices. This resource can also support the development of the Global Learning Programme in your school.
The following topics are covered:
- Food miles and beyond
- Eating seasonally
- Food: who pays the price?
- Local and seasonal: Food and War (eg Dig for Victory)
- Food security
- Our changing food including GMOs
- Feeding our growing population.
Environment and Sustainability, Globalisation and Interdependence, Production and Consumption, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14
Citizenship, English / literacy, Geography, History, Languages, Science, Assembly