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November is about Education

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We are all part of a living system in which each part affects others. The ways we educate can promote values like kindness, inclusivity, and a deeper connection with nature and the community. This leads to increased wellbeing for staff and students and greater preparedness for the challenges of the future.

Classroom question of the month: 

What do you wish you could talk about more in school to help you for your future?

Let’s practise!

Represent a lifeform or landform and think about how it has been impacted by climate change. 

Class Activity 1: At home prep + 1h and 30 min/2 hrs
Climate Conference of the Planet
In November 2024, people from around the world will gather in Azerbaijan for COP 29 – the 29th UN Climate Conference of the Parties.
Task: Imagine Representation

  • Step 1: Invite your class to imagine they are chosen to represent another lifeform or landform (e.g. a worm, Mount Snowdon, the Amazon Rainforest) at a climate conference. Students should research how climate change affects their chosen being and how it might feel. They can prepare a short statement for homework.
  • Step 2: Class Conference: Have the class sit in a circle for the conference. One by one, in character, each student should introduce their being, explain the impact of climate change on their existence, and express their feelings.
  • Step 3: Offering Gifts: Go around the circle again, asking each student to offer one gift their lifeform or landform can give to humans to help combat climate change (e.g. a mountain offers strength, a river offers energy, an eagle offers clear vision).

Extra Activity: 1 h 
Creative Challenge: Get into character
Task: Mask making 

  • Step 1: To support the Climate Conference of the Planet activity, ask your class to create masks to represent their chosen life-form. 
  • Step 2: Encourage students to wear their masks during the conference, to help them really get into character as their chosen being.

Resource contents

  • Link

    Guest Blog: Teaching About the Future


Arts, Culture and Religion, Compassionate Values, Environment and Sustainability

Age Ranges

Early Years: ages 3-5, KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+, Whole school


Art and design, Citizenship, Drama, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, Politics

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