Design for a better world
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This is a set of resources from Practical Action which presents a global design challenge for students aged 11-14 years. It offers students the opportunity to:
- Learn about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development
- Access a range of global contexts including Water and Sanitation, Food Security and Climate Action in which to identify a design problem
- Explore a range of technologies that people are developing around the world to address global challenges.
This challenge fits the requirements of the Design & Technology GCSE, which asks students to design something using a real world context. Students research the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), explore how existing technologies are addressing global issues, and then start developing their own ideas for technologies that could help meet the SDG targets. Students are encouraged to submit their ideas into Practical Action's 50th anniversary competition. The organisation is looking for fifty ideas from young people around the world to address the SDGs. The competition deadline is 16 December 2016. Visit the website: http://practicalaction.org/design-for-a-better-world
Environment and Sustainability, Media, Internet and Technology, Production and Consumption
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14
Design and technology