Modelled on the UN climate conference in Glasgow (1-12 November 2021), this new COP26 Climate Conference resource from InterClimate Network (ICN) will bring to life this critical global debate.
Student teams represent a range of countries and have to research, present and debate their country pledges and climate challenges, then collaborate to raise global ambition for action.
It has been designed for use in a secondary classroom setting and can also be used in off-curriculum days as well as virtually between tutor and year groups. Sessions may be run compactly over 3 lessons or spread over 6 lessons or used in a sequence of off-curriculum days.
The resource comprises:
- Teacher guide: outlining the aims and details of the resource with links at the end for other useful sources of information.
- Teacher presentations: Sequence of three presentations that culminate in the climate conference, as well as notes and film links accompany each of these session powerpoints:
- The Climate Crisis which poses 6 questions for students to critically discuss the Climate Emergency.
- From Paris to Glasgow outlines these vital stages of UN decision making and sets out the country roles.
- COP26 comes to school guides you and your students through your UN-style climate conference in school.
- Student pack:
- COP26 Overview Briefing to be used alongside sessions 2 and 3 as it includes background information and statistics, as well as a summary of all country positions.
- Country briefings from which to select your conference delegations. 12 to 14 countries may be the ideal number for your conference.
InterClimate Network is a registered charity (No. 1100981) with a mission to inspire young people in the UK to become leaders and advocates for action on climate change.
You can follow them on Twitter @ClimateVoicesUK or on LinkedIn.
* For an updated, COP28 version of this resource please follow this link*
Compassionate Values, Environment and Sustainability, Globalisation and Interdependence, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Politics and Government
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+
Citizenship, Geography, Politics, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Science, Clubs and extra-curricular