Celebrating Black History Month
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Celebrating the achievements of people is important. Throughout our 150-year history, we have had countless kind and resilient volunteers work with us at the British Red Cross. These people are recognised for their kindness. We celebrate Black History Month by highlighting and recognising the contributions of some Black British Humanitarians.
Use the activities below to discover some exceptional British Red Cross volunteers and people who have helped others and the world with their kind acts and voluntary service.
Learning objectives
Learners will:
• discover the work of Black humanitarians on British society
• reflect on our assumptions about people and challenge stereotypes
• think about the resilience and kindness of people
• celebrate people's stories and achievements and reflect on the qualities of a humanitarian.
Equality, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+
Citizenship, History