A free curriculum to engage with the issues surrounding equality and justice, with activities that encourage critical thinking, empathy and connection. Lessons will examine the meaning of equality, justice and ‘fairness’, helping pupils to understand these ideas in their own lives as well as in the wider world.
These resources include lesson plans, schemes of work and Teacher & Parent Guides for all Key Stages, 5-18 year olds. The topics covered are:
- What is equality?: Engaging with some of the different meanings of fairness, equality and justice.
- It’s not fair: Exploring some of our history of inequality and the marginalising of people and communities.
- Natural Justice: Exploring natural justice, empathising with the oppression of the non-human world
- A fairer world: Connecting with changemakers and exploring different ways of encouraging positive practices for fairness and justice in our own communities and wider world.
We have included a sneak-preview of one of the KS4 lessons so you can see what it looks like.
To download this lesson as a PowerPoint and access the full curriculum for all age groups, simply sign up as a free member on the ThoughtBox website: www.thoughtboxeducation.com/membership
Resource contents
Compassionate Values, Equality, Peace, Conflict and Justice, Social Justice
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16
Citizenship, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, PSHE / PSE / PSED, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)