Discovering Antarctica
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Discovering Antarctica is an online education resource for schools, developed by the Royal Geographical Society with IBG, in partnership with the British Antarctic Survey and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It supports secondary teaching in the subjects of Geography and Science at Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14) and also links to GCSE and A-level Geography. It is designed as a resource to 'dip into' rather than as a whole scheme of work. It includes sections on: Introducing Antarctica; Oceans, Atmosphere, Landscape; Ecosystems and Foodwebs; Science and Exploration; Tourism; Challenges; and How is Antarctica Governed? Each of these sections is divided into the following activities for individual, pair or groupwork:
- Icebreaker: Learning activities to introduce the topic
- Go with the floe: Main learning activities
- Meltdown: Follow-up learning activities to extend the topic or to review and reinforce the main activities.
Full teachers' notes are provided, as well as adaptable text versions of many of the multimedia learning activities.
Environment and Sustainability
Age Ranges
KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+
Geography, Science