The Festive Period
Every December.
A collection of winter festivals across the world.
About the event
The festive period is a time of celebration for large portions of the Globe from Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice to New Years Eve and Christmas. Additionally, for the significant proportions of the world with no faith this winter period is simply a time of gatherings, feasts, gift giving and family.
This is a time to celebrate unity in diversity, togetherness and the things that truly matter in life. It’s also a time of support, where we look after those who may find this period hard or isolating.
How to approach it
As noted above, the festive period is a time of great joy but this can mean that it is an uncomfortable period for many. It may be a time of financial stress, it may remind us of those we have lost or it may seem overwhelming if one has different beliefs to the mainstream celebrations.
Fundamentally this should be a time of support and kindness. We should create a happy, supportive and welcoming environment for everyone. This can be done by remembering to be inclusive. Many may not be celebrating, others will celebrate in very different ways and some will need a helping hand just to get through this period. A great resource for this is the Snowman Kindness Calendars, a month-long activity that encourages students to fill their day with small acts of kindness and generosity.
Secondly, this time is an excellent opportunity to get your students exploring new and different cultures. You could for example research Hanukkah or the varying Christmas and New Year traditions around the globe. Have a look at our Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year and Winter Solstice days for further inspiration.
Conversation starter
What do you like most about this time of year? What do you find toughest this time of year? How can we make the festive period as supportive and positive for everyone as possible?