Inter Faith Week
Every November, beginning on Remembrance Sunday.
Strengthening inter faith relations and increasing understanding between communities.
About the event
Conceived in 2008 by the Inter Faith Network (UK), this week is intended to build understanding between different faith groups and those of no faith. The week begins on Remembrance Sunday as a way to recognise the contributions of all faiths and none to the UK in the World Wars. Beyond this, the aims of the week are to:
- Highlight the good work done by local faith, inter faith and faith-based groups and organisations
- Draw new people into inter faith learning and cooperation
- Enable greater interaction between people of different backgrounds
- Help develop integrated and neighbourly communities
- Celebrate diversity and commonality
- Open new possibilities for partnership
The week is observed by a wide range of organisations from faith groups and community organisations to educational institutions.
How to approach it
This week is about reinforcing the values of understanding, compassion, multiculturalism and tolerance that form the building blocks of strong, flourishing communities. We have some great resources on Global Dimension that can help you explore these values in further detail. In Others' Shoes offers some excellent activities. One, called ‘finding connections’, encourages students to explore cultural connections and differences with their classmates. Empathy Week offers a wonderful range of lessons that explore the life stories of individuals from around the world. Lipa’s Story is a great sample lesson that asks students to explore the life of Lipa, her interests, heritage and hopes for the future.
Overall, focus should be on understanding the diversity of our communities and celebrating how this enriches our lives. Questions you can ask here are: how can we look out for each other? Why is a community that offers support and care better than one that does not? What can we learn from other religious and cultural communities that are different from our own?
Conversation starter
The Golden Rule - "treat others and the planet as you wish to be treated" - is a teaching that has existed across world religions and societies all the way back to Ancient Egypt. What other teachings or practices do religions have in common?