Cover image: PACTS - Empowering students to influence politicians on climate action

PACTS - Empowering students to influence politicians on climate action

PACTS (Politicians Accountable for Climate To Students) is the latest initiative from Reboot the Future, created in collaboration with The Harmony Project and SEEd (Sustainability and Environmental Education). PACTS empowers students to influence politicians on climate action through six structured activities, providing schools with the tools to create meaningful change in their communities.

Welcome to PACTS

PACTS (Politicians Accountable for Climate To Students) is the latest project Reboot the Future have been working on together with partner organisations, The Harmony Project and SEEd (Sustainability and Environmental Education). 


The pilot project launched in June and there are already 100 sign ups. With the Festival of Education and the UK general election this week, there is hope that many more teachers and schools will be signed up soon and be prepared to start the project in September when the official launch will also be taking place at Google Academy.

What exactly is PACTS?

PACTS is a new schools initiative that empowers students to influence politicians on climate action by writing to them and holding them accountable to the climate issues that matter most to them individually, as a school and as part of a greater community. The project is broken down into six digestible activities which can be slotted into the school day, for both primary and secondary schools to participate in. 


The steps include:

  1. Identifying the school’s climate issue
  2. Identifying actions that the school can take
  3. Researching the local candidates/MP for the area the school is located in
  4. Drafting a letter and monitoring election results
  5. Contacting the newly elected MP to build a PACTS relationship
  6. Holding the MP to account on their promises over 6 months to as many years as your school wants to follow up


The project provides free resources to teachers that have signed up including letter templates for writing to a local MP. Furthermore, the project wants to celebrate and uplift students and teachers to show that what they are doing is helping to grow a national movement and they should be proud of the effort and commitment they show to climate issues.

Act now!

‘Act now. There is never any time but now, and there never will be any time but now.’ - Wallace D. Wattles


If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact: and if you would like to sign up for the project, please do so here:



Also, feel free to post on social media using the hashtag #pactsnow